Type of clients: with whom we work
Due to the cooperative goals of these activities and the synergetic nature of our work experience in SYNERGIE in food and agricultural supply chains, all clients of these services are entrepreneurs operating in either agricultural supply chains or food value chains.
We have been servicing or are currently involved in developing international partnerships in the following value chains:
- famers' training and extension programme and export onion chain development in Egypt; comprehensive approach to link farmers' organisations to Egyptian-Dutch partnership of export – import companie'; picture export onions ready for shipment
fruit juices value chain including production of fruits in DRC: the organisation of a business tour for partnership and investment and investment financing, by an entrepreneur from DRC ; picture: Match Making tour in The Netherlands
- fish farming, marketing and transformation; nursery and intensification of fish production systems in Egypt; organising a technical exploration tour for a Dutch fish producer to an entrepreneur in Egypt; picture: experimental nursery of seabass
- rice bran value chain; development of nutraceutical products for the Egyptian and international markets; organisation of return visit of Dutch entrepreneur to Egyptian business partner; picture : rice factory visit, in 6th of Ramadan Industrial area
- buffalo milk production systems and mozzarella value chain development with entrepreneurs in Egypt;
- picture: buffalo farm